Saturday, January 06, 2007

Goal 2007?

A lot of good ideas have been coming for improving education in Sindh.

Of course, our community as a whole needs institutional support. However, I wonder what is missing at individual level. Is shortage of money the main issue? Will availability of a large number of scholarships make a big dent in the problem?

of course, foreign scholarships are very expensive, but local scholarships are not so expensive. What if we launched a campaign for one lakh scholarships for deserving students in Sindh in 2007? What will be appropriate amount of scholarship? Rp 600 per month at primary level? Rp 900 at high school? Rp 1800 at college level?

Will it be a worth while goal to launch a campaign for fund raising for this project? I shall be Inshaullah willing to contribute. Will you? How can we make this a worlwide campaign in aid of Sindhi youth?Your input and help towards development of Sindh is always welcome.

Ali Nawaz Memon
Sindh Development Institute
7204 Antares Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA 20879

1 comment:

  1. I would be willing to contribute if I see some results.
