Saturday, January 06, 2007

Be Richer: Goal 2007?

I. As a first goal for 2007, I suggested giving scholarships to deserving in the community. Rp 600 ($10) permonth for elementry school, Rp 900 ($15) for secondary school, and about Rp 1200 ($20) permonth for college in Pakistan is reasonable.

We can make a lot of difference to lives of individuals-- one at a time. My goal is 100,000 scholarships. There have been some great proposals from Dr. Laghari of SZABIST and Saeen Danish Jatoi from City School in Bhit Shah. I know that many of you are already giving scholarships. Please continue to do that and do more. Some friends have asked for sample application forms or selection criteria. I have requested Sain Zafar from FAME scholarship program if they will be kind enough to share the required information with others who are interested in sponsoring scholarships.

At this stage, I do not want you to sponsor scholarships through me or Sindh Development Institute. Please do it directly. However, I want to facilitate it. If we can reach goal of 100,000 scholarships in Sindh, I promise you that face of Sindh will change for much better.
II. As second goal, I propose that we all make a promise to ourselves to be richer in honest and legal way. As a retired banker and practicing financial consultant, I can tell you that it is not very difficult.
(a) Simple formula is SPEND LESS THAN YOU EARN. No matter how little income you have, please SAVE SOME AND INVEST. Even if you are barely meeting your expenses, saving something will not make your life much worse. Saving today will make life easier tomorrow.
If you are financially comfortable, begin saving in a regular (monthly) way and start investing it wisely.
(b) Increase your earnings. In my case, as a banker I accepted assignments in difficult countries like Nigeria because it paid more allowances/ salary. It generated savings. You may consider getting an additional job on part time basis or working harder on your land, or keeping your shop open for a few more hours in order to increase your savings.
(c) Control your expenses. Look at your budget. Talk to your family and find ways to spend less in order to increase your savings. Please stop or at least cut your expenses on show off ceremonies-- big weddings, khutna etc.
(d) Invest wisely. In my case, I have found real estate or property to be a very good investment. Buy an acre of land in your village or a plot in your town. You will see how the value will increase. SZABIST just spent Rp 20 million for two acres of land in Larkana. Imagine that!

Please share your ideas about how to be rich in honest and legal way. If our community becomes richer, it will be able to take care of our own needs and help others too.Your input and help towards development of Sindh is always welcome.

Ali Nawaz Memon
Sindh Development Institute
7204 Antares Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA 20879

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