Saturday, December 23, 2006

Vision, Mission and Values of Sindh Development Institute

(a) A democratic, socially just and prosperous Sindhi community
(b) Guided by full participation by community members in all parts of the world,
(c) Realization of full potential of its people and their aspirations for full, sustainable and self reliant development


Cooperation with, and encouragement and assistence to all organizations and individuals who are working towards:
(a) Accelerated economic and political development of Sindh
(b) Assistance to poor and disadvantaged to achieve their goals for development.

Focus will be on all aspects of human development- political participation, education, business and employment generation, improved health.

Initially Sindh Development Institute will not initiate own projects but will focuss on coperation with and assistence to existing organizations who aim to advance all or parts of our Mission.

· We believe in equity with our development partners in Sindh, other parts of Pakistan and all other parts of the world. In this context, we shall cooperate with like minded political activists, civil servants, NGOs, charitable organizations
· We encourage wide ownership of our vision and mission.
· Our vision and mission must be achieved through productive work, mutual trust, honesty, professionalism and transparency.
· We must have clear understanding of roles and responsibilities, which include accountability and effective participation.
· We now that our community is weak and requires development. We believe that everyone should achieve their basic rights and discharge their obligations.

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