Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Human Rights Violations in Sindh, Pakistan 2005

Dear Munawar,
I just finished reading WSI's "Human Rights Violations in Sindh, Pakistan 2005".
I thank you and WSI for publishing and distributing the report. Regardless of what else WSI does or does not do, I thank you for giving some voice to these violated and ignored people.
I read stories of human rights violations in Sindh and other parts of Pakistan in Kawish practically every day. These daily incidents touch my heart and hurt me. But then I forget about them until I read about more of them on the next day. But this compilation of annual report gives a new and shocking pattern and perspective. It indicates the shocking manner in which women and children, political disidents and minorities are treated in the land of our origin.
I am particularly saddended to see how Sindhis are treated at the hands of other Sindhis-- Chief Minister, high and low police officials, feudal lords etc. Even more sad aspect is that our community stays quiet and aloof. What has become of us?Your input and help towards development of Sindh is always welcome.
Ali Nawaz Memon
Sindh Development Institute
7204 Antares Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA 20879

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