Saturday, April 15, 2006

"Economic Restructuring of the Masses"

Sain, in ideal situation, society as a whole (government) plays a large part in meeting basic needs of people. Unfortunately, Sindh is not in that ideal situation. In order to make it possible, we all will have to work incedibly hard to elect and then empower an ideal government representing needy people. It means waking up and activating an entire nation. It has been done in someparts of the world. Can we do it?

The second track is always based on individual struggle-- ofcourse supplemented by family and near by idealist NGOs. This means that even when some body does not have two meals a day, he or she has to study hard and make a success. He or she has to be supported by family. People like you and me have to provide assistence locally in our own extended family, neighborhood or even towns. Same self and family help applies to education, health, employment generation etc.

It is hard and it is time consuming but that is how lives change!

Your input and help towards development of Sindh is always welcome.
Ali Nawaz Memon
Sindh Development Institute
7204 Antares Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA 20879
From: Asif Talpur Reply-To: educatesindh@googlegroups.comTo: educatesindh@googlegroups.comSubject: [EducateSindh] Re: dear allDate: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 19:08:24 -0700 (PDT)
"can we please have suggestions how to revamp the economic situation no matter how small or simple the start may be.
because it is worth to note that just as the idle mind is the workshop of the devil , similarly an empty stomach(literally) is the basis to society's' decay." My first suggession: Create reachable but reasonably scaleable goals. Also be realistic, its impossible to turn the tables completely upside down, with the presence of such a difficult situation back at home. So you got some extremely difficult constraints, under which you are talking about ecnomic reconstruction of the militarily colonized society. Besides its not just economy but politics and military, which is a direct cause of economical disaster of the country. You can not separate the two tightly bounded aspects. I hope my little words are making some sense in the presence of some highly educated and intellectual minds out there. Thanks Asif
Asad Palijo wrote:

wanted to share these thoughts with friends at this group for a few days but with the final exams around the corner i have been hard pressed for time.
It is good to see saeen gul agha and other respected friends contributing at this forum and making it worthwhile however a word of request to those who have refrained from participating and voicing their valuable advices , concerns and suggestions of late. Please come forward and make yourselves heard as it not everyday one gets an audience of 700 plus professional and educated sindhis to your comments.
I wish to re-instate that this forum was conceptualised to facilitate valuable information exchange regarding education & professional opportunities but above all to make each one of us better informed pertaining to grave issues sindh faces today. Its a personal opinion that its better to have a healthy discussion about various concerns pertaining to sindh on this small group then to have an uneducated audience of tens of thousands of people ( a.k.a political rallies).

Past one month has seen discussions maturing on multiple layers of decadence pertaining to sindh.

1) there is the perennial concern of sindhi children being deprived of their fundamental right of being taught how to read and write in sindhi at their respective institutions yet at the same time we are witness to the decline in english skills of sindhis
2) lack of core skills inherent in sindhis that are in demand at the job market
3) several other ancillary suggestions regarding the consolidation of sindh in the form of having an online sindhi-english dictionary , websites to preserve the culture of sindh etc.

however i put an elementary question to all of you.
If a person is bereft of even the most basic two times meal a day then would that person be pressed to make changes to him/herself to his/her surroundings , community and the wider world. This is the sorry state of the majority of sindh both the utar and laar included.
In my elementary opinion it wont make the case if our population continues to live below the poverty line.
therefore to cut the eternally long story short , economic restructuring of the masses is the need of the hour.
can we please have suggestions how to revamp the economic situation no matter how small or simple the start may be.
because it is worth to note that just as the idle mind is the workshop of the devil , similarly an empty stomach(literally) is the basis to society's' decay.

Asad Latif Palijo
University College London

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