Sunday, April 03, 2005

Truth about BP's community development in Badin?

Dear Sathio:
District Badin is most southern District of the country having population of 1.5 million. by natural resources it is richest District of Pakistan Due to huge reservoirs of high quality Natural Petroleum and natural Gas.
In the 2000 it was declared the poorest District of the Country by World Bank. And Government of Pakistan. The poverty rate is 90%.
The extractive industry emerged Badin in early 80s, now all the extractive operations and production are carried out by a Single Multinational Company British Petroleum BP.
Badin Rural Development Society (BRDS) is rights base non- profit Civil Society organization of indigenous people of Badin.
BRDS has raised voice for the right share of the local people from Multinational Companies time by time .but unfortunately the British Petroleum BP continuously deny the rights of Local Communities; even they are not ready to share the information about the agreement documents which has been signed with government of Pakistan.
Recently Team of excellent Sindhis at USA and around the world has extended the pressure on British Petroleum to fulfill the community development responsibilities .In return the Country Manager of BP Pakistan as well as a report published in locals periodical Badin Magazine supported by BP have claimed various development intervention which are based on bundle of lies, disinformation and exaggeration.
(A Detailed report about the real facts and figures is also attached here with)
In this connection BRDS with Action Aid Pakistan (AAPK) is going to organize a consultation Meeting with Local Communities, politicians, intellectuals, journalist and other civil society activists at Badin on 12th of April 2005. to discuss the real situation and develop a strategy for the future struggle for the rights of the indigenous People of BADIN.
In this regard , your support and guidance will be real share in a noble cause .
If you have any quarry or Need more clarification feel free to contact
Khadim Hussain
Program Manger
Ph- 0297-862046,744915,744066
A Detail Report On British Petroleum Claims:
(This report is based on the claims made by Country Manager of British Petroleum in a emailed letter to Mr. Khalid Hashmani Member of Sindhi Excellent Team at Washington as well as a report published by British petroleum BP in a recent Issue of Local Magazine.)
The Local Communities has a long history of their Struggle to achieve their right share From Multinational Companies operating in the area.
Shaheed Fazil Rahoo who was a legend of this cause was assassinated in a mysterious condition on 17th January 1987.Dr. Akash Ansari the political colleague of Shaheed Fazil has never let down the flag of Shaheed through his writing, Poetry and raising voice for the indigenous and marginalized communities by a most Active civil Society Organization ie Badin Rural Development Society (BRDS).
The Facts and Figure finding Team (FFFT) was formed By BRDS in the end of the February to make a impartial, real picture of ground scenario. The Team Members Were:
· Dr. Akash Ansari
Khadim Hussain
Atiq Raja
Ms. Ishrat Qambrani
Ms .Shazia Pusio
The FFFT visited all the villages of operational area , met with communities, various stake holders ,land owners, whose lands are leased by BP, District Adminsration,Distric Nazim (District council chairman,) Executive District officers (EDOs) of health , Roads, Public Works and Community Developments. Some members of team met with the representatives with British Petroleum came from Karachi, Islamabad and Field units at District Nazim Office, where they promised to share all necessary information but despite various reminders they failed to provide any information up to date.
The team also recorded a video film and took photographs of all the development work claimed by BP and team also recorded the comments of local communities.
In early 80’s of last century a huge reservoirs of Natural Oil and Gas was explored at two Taluka’s i-e Golarchi (Now called Shaheed fazil) and Matli of District Badin. By an American Company Union Taxes Pakistan (UTP).
In 2000 these all operations were handed over to a British Oil Company called British Petroleum BP.British petroleum (BP) exploration and production is a multinational company having operations around the world. British petroleum is operating at District Badin since 2000 which is providing largest portion of Oil and Natural Gas of the total production of the country .As an international corporate sector BP has a responsibility to spend a fixed amount of the profit for the betterment of the local communities those are living in the surroundings of the Operational Area.
The Fact Figure Finding Team found the following ground realities:

Drinking Water Mega Scheme Claim:
British Petroleum Claimed that, Following Water schemes has been provided to for the betterment of Communities.
Over 1200 hand pumps at cost of ($ 135000) over 8 million Rupees.
Total beneficiaries 30000
Field Team Findings:
After the Visit of more than the 70% of Operations area of the Company,
o We did not find a single hand pump provided by the British Petroleum.
We also had meeting in twenty five villages those are living very next to walls of the fields
o The area especially union council Ahmed Rajo is facing severe shortage of river water since eight years , and under ground water is saline But Company Did not give them a Drop of water and some times communities drink and take bath with the drains water which contains chemicals, industrial waste and pesticides coming from upper stream .
The Fields area looks very beautiful and bright at night time But children of the real owners of the wealth has not lamp for the home work. And as they have the darkness in the life they would have the dark future.
Mostly the owners of the lands which are occupied under the operations by the company are complained for receiving very meager amount. In return of their fully cultivable agriculture lands. Not receiving proper or Right Amount.
Mr. Umar Samejo resident of Village Sameja Near Khorwah Chock Oil Field told that, he receives only sixteen thousand Pakistani rupees from BP while this land can give us agriculture production of more than rupees 80,000 per year.

Infrastructure Development Claim:
488 Km of roads were made by the Company
40 bridges and Canals were constructed for the people.
1000 water courses were made.
Approximately ($ 2.5 million) are used for infrastructure Development.
Team findings:
All the roads are not made for the communities but due to Marshy area Company’s Oil tankers and other logistic machinery and vehicles can not move easily and roads are directly linked with Production fields not with the local Villages.
District Badin is also called the land of Drains which carries contaminated water to pour in the Arabian Sea. For the Mobility of heavy machinery and vehicles, movable Iron Bridges are made which can be move from one place to an other easily.
Not a Single Water course was found made by the BP.
The money has been invested in the area just to provide support to the British Petroleum (BP) itself.
Employment Claim:
Over 60% of staff working in BP's field operations are from Sindh,where as approximately 42% of all BP Pakistan employees belong to the same region.
Team Findings: Total permanent employee 600
Sindhi permanent employee 40 to 50
Contract Employee 1000
Sindh employee in contract job 100 to 150.
Case Study:
In 2004 the posts of Maintenance Trainee were Announced by the British petroleum and written test contract was awarded to an other private firm named ENI Executives. After written test only a single Boy from District Badin was qualified and he was called for final interview.
After the silence of many days some friends explored that, what happened?
And they got information that, all the position are filled and more than 80% were Urdu speaking were selected and a only Boy who was indigenous of District Badin was made disqualified by the Authorities of Karachi Office those are Mostly from out Sindh .
If the company is giving priority to the local people then why a only single person from the Operational Area was discriminated by these people.
(Final interview letter can be provided on request)

Company Claim:
In 1992, at a cost of RS.10 million ($45,000).BP and its joint venture partner, accidental petroleum Inc set up the government girls Degree College in is the only girl’s college in the area.
Field Team Findings:
Matli Girls Collage donated by Union Taxas with its Joint partners i.e. oil and gas development corporation Pakistan (OGDC) and Oxydental Petroleum Incorporation ,not British Petroleum.
Due to poor raw material it has been damaged at lot off places.
In 1992 BP established a computer center for girls at the government girls degree college, is only such facility for female students in the area. The center was later upgraded when BP donated 10 Pentium -3 desktop computers (plus accessories) at a cost of RS.600, 000($12000). BP also supports the center by donating the salary of the only female computer instructor in the area. Field Team Findings:
It was observed that Computer centre is not Functioning properly.
The claim of Desk top computers was not verified.
Claim :
BP claims that it has had its fair share of major natural disasters. a flood in 2003 followed by crippling rains in 2004 ,left the people of Badin devastated. BP and its joint venture partner occidental petroleum Inc joined local efforts with the government to help alleviate what was a desperate situation. Food was distributed; dry ration bags were handed over district administration, vehicles supplied to transport the affected to relief camps and other relief equipment were also supplied such as medicines and water pumps. Over Rs. 12 million ($200,000) have been contributed to the area for relief efforts.
Field Team Findings:
In 2003 a major flood Disaster happened due to Left Bank out fall Drain (LBOD), which carries the highly contaminated water and made 128 breaches in one night and twelve Union Council came under sever flood.
Which caused many causalities, lost of property thousands of million of rupees.
Accordance to the people of the area as well as information given by government Authorities not a single penny was given for the relief or rehabilitation for the affectees. The comments of District Coordination Officer (DCO) who was the coordinator of district Disaster committee are also attached.
How ever some vehicles were provided by BP to District government for few weeks.

BP is of the firm belief that promoting sports activities encourages the development of healthier communities. as a result, BP regularly supports sports event, BP has constructed sports complex in Badin .complex was completed in 2000 at a cost of Rs. 1 million($20,000).Field Team Findings:
There is no any sports complex but a single room Squash court was made by the Union Texas not BP in early nintees on the desire of then sitting deputy commissioner Major (Rtd) Iqbal Ahmed who was a very found of squash game..Kario Ghanwar Health Centre:
Claim: BP’s First Health Project in Pakistan. Established in 1988 at Kario Ghanwar Badin. Provides medical assistance to approximately to 25000 residence living in area at cost of Ten Million Rupees. Company also provides much needed medicines free of cost.
Field Team Findings:
· This is not hospital but just a Dispensary which was built by union Texas and handed over to Sindh Government.
Dispensary running by singles Doctor and a Dispenser.
The condition of the Dispensary was not able to admit the patients.
Medicines are not provided by the Company but some times few injections of Anti snake Venom are provided.

It is observed that since last few years the representatives of Comments from DCO Badin.
District Coordination Officer (DCO) the Head of District Administration has sent following comments about the real situation regarding the British Petroleum in his letter to BRDS reveals that:
· Some community development intervention were carried out by Union Texas But after the 2000 as the company British Petroleum who claims for being a successor of union Texas nothing has done for the community Development at All .
· In the sectors of Health, Education and infrastructure there is never seems any initiative by British Petroleum in the whole District especially in the Operational Area.
· Union Council Ahmed Rajo and Khor wah, where have the maximum number of Oil production units are going to be become at worst stage of the poverty day by Day.
· The existing infrastructure of government has been damaged severely by the company’s logistic and operational movements.
· Company has little number of local People working not as permanent but they have been handed over to the contractor and heir Social and legal rights have been violated. They are on the mercy of contractors who always exploit them in the favor of company.
· As we observed that environment in the operational areas of Badin is badly affected by the activities of BP.
the company made various promises and after passing time they did not keep the promises. They only made lip services.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mustafa Talpur
To: ;
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 11:13 PM
Subject: FW: Birtish Petrolium (BP) False Claim

Ada Hashmani Saheb
I think following facts collected by Dr. Akash are sufficient to plead our case with BP Management and I think Dr. Akash has already sent it to you.
Mustafa Talpur
Khalid Hashmani wrote:
Ada Akash,I am personally writing this e-mail to you requesting
for your help to verify only the following two BP
claims in the context of benefits to indigenous
Sindhis:1. Apart from the many schools and colleges BP hasfunded, they have also funded the only Girls Collegein the area -which has an excellent computer centre.Recently, a Girls High School at Golarchi fundedby BP was inaugurated.2. BP has also worked to improve the infrastructureof the area by constructing roads, bridges, culvertsand installing water pumps - all of which have helpedin alleviating the difficult lives of those livingin this remote area.I am grateful for the help that you have already provided
and the requested favor will help us to compose our final
reply to BP and decide whether we want to continue to
push BP or move to another company SHELL that too is
operating gas and oil fields in Sindh.Thanks and regards,Khalid Hashmani


  1. I think if we can really make difference in the life of the poor in Badin, we will have to come up with some common sense approach. One which I will suggest is that everyone of us have some white american friends. Through these friends we can approach Church organizations and the elderly retired americans to write/ fax and e-mail to the concerned authorities and other significants to make some difference.

    Mazhar Lakho MD
    Belleville, IL

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I would like to give my opinion from a Bihari perspective. I graduated from NED University in Karachi and working in USA. First of all there is no credible source of this information how come writer knew they are Bihari. I think he count all Urdu speaking as Bihari. I know Bihari in Karachi do not constitute such a major presentation in any field. Population of Orangi Twon is almost 1.5 Million but they are not all Biharis.
    For Instance in my 210 classmates in NED I know only 10-15 of them were Biharis in almost 150 Urdu speaking. Rest 40-50 were Sidhis who came in the university due to "Notorious" quoata system implemented by Bhutto and his successors continuously (Killing all merits in Karachi).

    Those who said Biharis are not Pakistanis , I would say they are not Pakistanis either. I came to this country only 10 years ago and now I am a US citizen , these guys came 35-50 years back how come they are not Pakistani.

    The quality of education in Pakistan in general and Sindh (interior) in particular are in big question.
    How long can Sindhi speaking take advantage of quota system, there are finite amount of jobs in Government sectors but in Public sectors you have to compete on merit.
    These are just urdu speaking you are competing in Sindh , If you go out of Pakistan , Lets say in Middle East you will have to compete with Indian Engineers and if you move to US or Europe than you will face fierce competition with Chinese, European and American Engineers.

    My dear friends first of all you need to look into yourselves , It is obvious that the corruption has lowered quality of an Engineer graduated from Interior Sindh university.
    Don't say universities in Punjab has same standard or lower standard, Two don'ts don't make a right.
    These corrupt head of universities are bigger "Dakoos" than the one in streets. Blame your lack of knowledge to your professors not on Biharis.

    You need to understand in order to compete you need to equipped well and at least well enough to enter in public sector.

    Gone are the days when Sindhi speaking were creeping and Central Govt were paying them on their payroll (working or not) like a social security. We need to stop that Sindhis have to come out of their closet and work like urdu or pujabi speaking to get money. They are not above any other sect in Pakistan neither are they superb or better than Muhajirs.
    Sindhis only provided land to Urdu speaking it is rdu speaking who built Sind and still building it.

    So my fiends charity starts from home , how many of you graduated from any college or university have converted two illetrate person to litterate, remember you oath during your Matric certificate reception that you have taught two uneducated person.

    God bless America; I am in truely independent country where different opinion are more than welcome , In Sind I spent 25 years and racist guys still thinking that they are more Sindhi then I was just because their Grand mother was born their.

    Well Well I have read all the posts, nobody even ask this question "what is the validity of the document"? How reliable is the document, what is the source of the document ? Who is the writer of the document. You guys seem to have an utternal jealousy against Biharis. This is like you are keeping poison in your body and soul and it is not harming Biharis it is harming you.. Well done boys........

    Now the next step is how many Biharis in Pakistan cricket team etc etc.

    Ever wonder why Sindhis are not even in cricket team?

    Come on grow up, its not only Sind where you can work it is whole world , prepare yourself for competition and stop creeping.

    A sincere Bihari

  3. Anonymous2:01 AM

    At present, the mehran engineering university has better rating as compare to NED university. If you don't believe on such facts than just type "pakistan engineering university rating" in yahoo search and find out yourself.

    But the main problems are created by so-called bihari mafia who totally controls the bp pakistan company. They created an image of sindhis that sindhi universities have lower standards and therefore all sindhi engineers and graudates have extremely poor standards. The bihari mafia continues to maintin these "false image" of sindhi engineers for next 30 years.

    But ethnic biharis are extra-ordingary intellegent race of pakistan and therefore they are allways get jobs in bp pakistan. Such un-fair politics has also been observed by the urdu-speaking karachities and therefore bp pakistan company is commonly known as "bihar petroleum company". Urdu speaking peoples dislikes "biharis". They regret that they helped criminal minded & cheaters biharis to settle down in karachi city. While biharis repuations in India is well known to every one. Biharis in indian only do two things, rickshaw driving or male prostitutions. But in pakistan this criminal bihari mafia has succefully managed to create a "intellectual image of biharis"???? Are biharis intellegent???? NO???? They are cheaters.

    The bp pakistan company (formaly Union texas Pakistan companY) is providing jobs to ethnic biharis.

    Saeed Ahmed Khan (Urdu Speaking)
    Retrd. Professional Civil Engineer
    Karachi, Pakistan

  4. Anonymous6:36 AM

    iam Qamar Zaman Shah working as Geophysicist with BGP (Pakistan) International in East Sindh Block (Umer kot)sindh
    dear here is also the same situation,in contract there is mentioned that more than 90 owercent employees should be hired the area where the operation is going on but only 15 percent of employees belongs to this area.
    i appreaciate your efforts for thew sindhi graduates.
    thanks for updating me about BP.
    Take care

    Qamar Zaman shah

  5. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Several things are eye-openers in your message below and in the list provided here:

    Your are talking of race - bihari, punjabi, sindhi, etc. and not merit.
    It is stated for a fact that engineers of races other than sindhi are employed heavily in a company located in Badin.
    Biharis, people originated from Bihar India are predominantly employed in the professinal ranks of BP pakistan.
    What this message does not address are the reasons and probably some relevant facts:

    Is BP pakistan not practicing open merit and giving special preference to a particular race. If yes, then this must be criticized.
    Are Sindhi engineers of low calibers? It is a wide acknowledged fact that people like to play the race game and the victim game. There are seats in the universities specific for sindhi speaking people or for pakhtoons or for punjabis or for others. If your forum wants to chastise BP Pakistan, then they must also chastise this quota system.
    Most probably, the lower cader wrok force is overwhelmingly of singhi speaking people. It was not mentioned here though.
    It will also be helpful as a comparison to look at the government sectors operating in Sind. I won't be surprised if sindhis are the predominant force there.
    You must remember, companies or corporates unless bogged down by government policies and politicis, are there to make money. They will hire the best available talent. If singhi engineers have not proven themselves then they must work to elevate their image. This can not happen by throwing dirt at BP or other priviate companies. This is simple blackmailing. They may succumb to pressure for now but then as their profit will dip because of untalented people, they will either move out of Badin (or the area) or change their policies fo rthe worst.

    It is, however, surprising that one race of people (biharis) are in a huge number. I am not sure if you are including all urdu speaking people into that category or these really are all biharis. There is no denial that in Pakistan, where chances are few, often people give preferences to their likes. This is wrong and requires a change of mindset but not of BP Pakistan only but of the entire system. If you look around, you will find that besides the private sector, there are not many job opportunities for biharis or the urdu speaking people in the country. If you complain about low percentage of sindhis and alleged patronaged in BP-Pak then you must also rasie your voice against the lack of merit and the prevalence of quota system and patronism in government institutes.

    I am a strong proponet of merit system and equal oppotunity. I am also a strong opponent of any move to defame Pakistan. If your agenda disagrees with my believe, then pelase keep me out of your mailing list.


    Azfar Kamal.

  6. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I can't comment on BPs community developement program or other social activites. But as far as Human resources are concerned, Multinationals like BP higher a person best suited to them and they don't care about weather a person is sindhi or punjabhi. They will give him a job if he is qualifies enougy. and If you think that sindhi engineers are only offered a low profile job, It maby becasue sindhi engineers suck big time in academic credentials. There is a hell of a difference b/w an engineer from MIT USA and an engineer from UET JAMSHORO. Its better to get rid of defeatis attitude your beging denies something because of race. Its possible that you are denied that thing because you don't deserve it.

  7. Anonymous6:41 AM


    Dear All, I appreciate your endeavours in collecting such precious information. Kindly collect the educational qualification and degree information of each under-mentioned employee of BP whoever is Bihari, Punjabi or Sindhi.

    For your, this task is not a difficult one but you can do this. Take me in loop during the disbursement of required information.

    Faisal Habib

  8. Anonymous5:09 AM

    My Brothers,
    Asslamo Alikum,
    Your e-mail regarding above subject made me really sad. We are with you
    you will find us always with you as Pakistani. We, the people of
    must fight for our National as well as local rights and it is always
    commendable by all communities all over the world. I stress we are with
    all out to fight for Badin.
    But at the same time, I would like to ask you one question and that is
    "Can't we think of one Pakistan, a Pakistani nation - no matter if some
    thing happens in Badin or Lahore or Islamabad?" I can produce a list of
    Engineers and Others serving in Government Departments like Wapda,
    and many other, all from Sindh, much longer than you have given in your
    e-mail. But we do not think like this as you. We all are Pakistani.
    Pakistan, believe me no one recognises us as Punjabi, Sindhi, Baluchi
    Pathan. Moreover people like you - university graduates, must not think
    that terms.
    The problem is that after independance in 1947, no democracy has ever
    introduced in Pakistan. Our so called political leaders (many of them
    Sindh also) never tried to make Pakistan a true Jamhooria. They, greedy
    uglies, no matter from Punjab, Sindh, NWFP or Baluchistan, always
    their pockets and did not look after national interest. It will be
    going on
    as it is, if we common people do not join hands and fight for real
    Jamhooriat, as one body. This is the only solution to our problems.
    I shall request you to please see what your local leaders had been
    doing for
    Badin in past. Reject them-no matter how influncial they are, and come
    forward with new blood - people like yourselves, you will find us with.
    Thanking you.
    FARRUKH N. MIAN - A Pakistani

  9. Anonymous4:59 AM

    I have worked in bp pakistan company in "internship" program for 6 months. I confirm that all these comments, protests allegations against bp pakistan company are correct. bp pakistan is a criminal company. bp pakistan is a gang of cheaters and liars who have no moral characters and who can every limit of moral characters.

    Asad Qureshi
    Electrical Engineer

  10. Anonymous7:09 AM

    This company is commonly known as "bihar petroleum company" in karachi.

    ali athar

  11. Anonymous1:02 AM

    No one is more racist than biharis in Pakistan. What is the reputations of biharis in India. Biharis are known as "cycle rickshaw drivers" or as "male prostitutes" in India. There are more 10,000 pakistani students studying at the USA universities and only 0.05% of them are ethnic biharis but all these bihari graduates easily get jobs in pakistan as "foreign graduates"????
    If you talk someone in the bp pakistan company they will inform you that "biharis" which are working in bp office are "foreign graduates from the best universities of usa". It is complete bullshit type of arguments from biharis. Do only biharis get their studies from USA? It is complete cheating and what else these biharis can do? Cheating cheating cheating............

    Expel all biharis to bihari camps in Dhaka Bangladesh.

    Dr. Saleem Memon (Standford University)

  12. Anonymous1:17 PM

    There are more than 8000 pakistani students studying at the best universities of USA but only bihari graduates get jobs at bp pakistan?

    100% cheap tricks and dirty politices. Ethnic biharis are shame for whole pakistan.

  13. Anonymous5:15 AM

    bp pakistan is a gang of cheaters & liars. Now I am writing my personal experience at bp office islamabad. I visited bp pakistan islamabad office for job oppurtunity and I met Farhan Sadiq, a bihari chauvinists, working as the reservoir engineering manager. Farhan Sadiq is cheater and of-course a liar like all biharis working in the bp company. He told me that they don't have any positions at present. But within few weeks they hired ethasam syed, a retired bihari from usa.

    Mr. Naveem Akram
    Senior Manager
    Reservoir Engineering
    Pakistan Oilfield Limited (POL)
    Rawalpindi, Morgah, Pakistan.

  14. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Dear Brothers (Bhairo)

    I was realy pleased to recieve your email. I was also shocked to know the facts mentioned in this email. Although they are not new things, but we should continue to highlight these things and try to persuade people to do justice with the poor people of Sindh. I am research writer and educationist. I have also worked for two with British consultants as interpreter in Sukkur and Larkana. I humbly suggest that we should contact the higher authorities of the British company in UK and and present these facts and many other facts before them in such way so that they may get persuaded.


    Ahmed Zafar Ansari

  15. Anonymous4:29 AM

    dear friends,

    I have gone thrugh your email rgarding injustices metigated by BP inyour area i fully support this protest and rights of people of badin and sindh overall.
    However after going through this entire list of ethnic identity pr diversity of BP company, I heve noticed som many errors as my brother who is engineer with BP has been shown as BIHARI. He is Niazi pathan and we are living in karachi since 1946.

    Many other people have also been shown with wrong identity. List needs correction otherwise your entire compain would lead to desaster.

    Asmatullah niazi
    Sr. Broadcast journalist

  16. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Everyone knows that there is not any quality education in sindh universities and colleges. Students attempt papers in examination halls with open books. I also knows many persons who take LLB papers in Sindh with Open books. So there is not any injustice with sindh. There is equall oppurtunity for every one in Pakistan. So give the quality education to your graduates and give them clean and strict education system. OK

  17. Anonymous5:09 AM

    i am amazed amd angered at the injustice done by the bp to the people
    badin and ourr sindhi brethern . i register my strong protest at this
    criminal act and please let me know how can i actively participate in
    dr ayyaz

  18. Anonymous2:29 AM

    I must suggest to pack up those British people and we our country Engineers can do the exploring and drilling our resourses by ourself. This can save our country wealth and spent those mony among that people, those who are people.

    Shamshad Khalid Ansari

  19. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Has somebody contacted the BP's CEO to let him or her know about the injustice being caused?
    Let the CEO know, it is also in the broader interest of BP, from various persepectives, to develop the region they are benefiting from.
    It is not in their larger interest to leave the local population behind.
    I am not a sindhi but I believe in justice for all, regardless of anything.

  20. Anonymous8:15 AM

    dear Mr...... !

    thanks for sending me this thought provocating mail. This world is created for Humans. We devided it into small land peices. these peices are made up of wishes and dreams for ourseoves only. My Question is :

    Are the people working not Humans first, secondly not Muslims, Thirdly not Pakistans, fourthly they not domiciled in Sindh for mor ethan Two or three Generations?

    Please do remeber if we Have Human resource we can do alot. If BP' can not provide us a job the rulers of Sidh can give us the funds to create another company larger than BP.
    Abid Raza
    A sindhi by birth.

  21. Anonymous1:04 PM

    This is not a right way,you people are just spreading racisim among the nation.I don't know how would you people be pationed and calm and start thinking in positive way. PPP's govt is in the fedral and province too, there are so many sindhi MPAs and MNAs are there in picture then how can't you streamlined these matters patiently in legal way through constitutional regulations. The way you you represent your case is very ordinary and painfull for pationate pakistani(not for nationalist sindhi,balochi etc) for even me "son of this province (Sindh)". But I proud that I caled upon me a Pakistani more then Sindhi.

    Thanks and Regards,


  22. Anonymous9:08 AM

    biharis are like black scar on the face of pakistan. my all bihari friends never had any problems in re-locating of the jobs. i give examples

    masood abdali -- bhi/weatherford
    syed asif ahsan -- bp pakistan
    etc. etc.

    the list is too long....

    Consulting Services G &G Team Leader
    5, Al-Farabi Avenue
    Business Center Nurly Tau,
    Block 1A, 6th floor, office 603
    Almaty, Kazakhstan 050059
    Telephone: +7 (727) 258-1731
    Fax: +7(727) 258-8228
    Cellular +7 (777) 140-26-98

  23. Anonymous1:00 AM


  24. Anonymous10:15 AM
    february 19, 2009

    I think BP have a right to do this act to all so called Sindhi.Sindhi donot even try to hardwork as i have involved with sindhi works.if i have to made a list according to hardworker then my list will be: 1- Pathan2- Balouchi3- Behari or Urdu Speaking4- Saraeeki5- Punjabi6- Kashmiri7- Sindhi


    talha lateef

  25. Anonymous1:57 PM
    date feb. 26, 2009

    Dear Sirs,
    Thank you very much for sending me "The Thieves of Pakistan". This is an eye opener and, my brothers, we are equally astonished by knowing this great injustice which people of Badin are facing. As Pakistani, we strongly feel like being robbed once again by East India Company. Every one of us must open eyes and must offer resentment over this injustice to Badin people and to Pakistanis at large. We stand with you shoulder to shoulder. Please keep us informing.
    Thanks & regards.

    Farrukh Nazeer Mian,
    cell: 0333

  26. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Sorry, I dont support your politics. Whoever is deserving should get the positions no matter which part of the world that person belongs to. Stop discriminating between Pakistanis. What is the purpose of calling Pakistanis, bihari, punjabi, sindhi or anything else? What happened to the unity of the people of Pakistan? Are you doing anything different by discriminating people into bihari, punjabi, sindhi, etc? What you should be doing is looking at how to educate and provide opportunities to poor people... not trying to provide them jobs based on quota system even if they do not qualify based on merit.

    Ambreen Shahid
    date: march 02, 2009

  27. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Shahab Chaudhry
    Thursday, March 12, 2009 4:24 AM

    I don't know why I got this email. I usually delete and move on but after going through a few lines and reading the bottom line, I could not resist to comment. I went to Mehran some 30 years ago for two years - what a nightmare. I am sorry to say but many sindhi students had a very negative approach towards life. I was lucky to get transferred alive after two years of running for my life. Please get out of this self pity mode. Many sindhis have done fairly well once they got out of this mode of LAST name , CASTE system, and being proud of being SINDHI. It is such a comical idea.These big companies are making money whether they are in Badin or in Bahalpur. Poor have no value against these corporations. You see a lot of names other than your proud SINDHIs on this list and you feel bad. Work hard, get out of your comfort zone, compete with world and you will do fine. You gain nothing by encouraging ethnicity and promoting hatred against others who happen have done well due to thier own hardwork.

    Allah Hafiz

  28. naveed jaffery10:01 AM

    My Dear Friend:
    I am afraid you do not have the correct information. I lot of guys that you have listed below are Sindhi speaking (I personally know these guys), which you have mentioned as Biharis and Punjabis. I would suggest you first get your record correct.

    Thursday, May 14, 2009 1:36 PM

  29. Rizwan-Ur-Rehman1:17 PM
    Tuesday, September 22, 2009 9:55 PM

    excuse me
    this is not the injustice
    BP has nothing to do with the ethinic group.
    All the need is work, brain and hard work. if some one does not qualify the criteria dnt blame the ethinicity

    Bsc. City & Regional Planning
    MS GIS & Remote Sensing

  30. aaasimm@hotmail.com3:51 PM

    can u please also mention the province of bihari speaking people to make things clear.
    Wednesday, September 23, 2009 1:23 AM

  31. Gohar Khan6:22 AM

    September 26, 2009 3:37 From: "Gohar Khan"

    Your email can be classed as racist email...

    To honest I believe you are the thieves of Pakistan...

    Very kind regards,

    Gohar Khan

  32. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Very good post. Looking forward to the next one.

  33. Munir Badshah2:28 PM

    Dear Brother from our home SINDH
    Assalam o Alaikum,
    I appreciate your work and efforts for the developement of Sindh. I will insist that the company must employe the local peoples as they meet the require qualification and experince. They must give profit share to local community. They must make developemental work in Badin too.
    They must provide basic facilities to local population.
    Kindly think also of PAKISTAN as the person employed are Pakistani not Indian citizen.
    We are 1st Muslim, 2nd PAKISTANI and then Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, Muhajir, Pathan. If the company provide job to one tribe of sindhi brothers, then the other Tribe protest against them, what you think Dear brother?

    Munair Badshah
    B.Pharm (UoP), M.Phil (UoS)
    Cell # +92 333 93 22 941,
    +92 345 913 95 65
    +92 301 596 596 1

  34. Iqbal Ali1:08 PM

    Mehran University of Science & Technology is the only university of pakistan which is included among top 500 best universities of the world but its graduates never get jobs in the Badin oil industry.

    Bp pakistan only offers Operators jobs to mehran university graduates.

    bp pakistan company is full of ethnic biharis. Now Bangladesh goverment have granted bangladeshi nationality of biharis therefore ALL BIHARIS MUST BE DEPORTED TO BANGLADESH.

    Eng. Iqbal Ali
    Chemical Engineer
    Graduation Year 2007

  35. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Whats goin' on???

  36. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Having gone through these hatred messages to a an ethnic group, it feels that they are promoting discrimination within the country. These type of people always fighting with someone. Today with Behari, tomorrow with Urdu Speaking, the other day with Punjabi, and so on. They never think of unity, they never think of as whole nation, as a Pakistani. I don't even believe the list that they have provided. It won't be a complete list of people working at Karachi and Islamabad offices. And, there is a doubt about mixing of Beharis with Urdu Speaking. So, it is better to present the whole list, despite showing the names of certain people.

    Come on, grow up guys. We are living in a competitive world. And the companies like, BP do not have any ethnic policy that we will hire Behari and Punjabi for senior positions and Sindhi for lower positions. It depends on your capability. How capable are you to perform the roles at the senior positions. You need specific skills , education, and experience. Besides, you need a competitive professioanl attitude. Sindhis fellas need to improve their soft and hard skills, as they are very much lacking in that area.

    I have been living in North America and I have seen many Sindhis who can't even pronounce an English word properly. In the university, they were always asking for the help in their study. Many Sindhi fellas don't come to lead the group in class presentations because of their poor accent and personality issue.

    For HEC University Rankings, it is a joke which doesn't depict the ground reality. It is pretty obvious that the quality of the students from Mehran University is not competitive in the global market. In general, they are producing fighters/garbage NOT the genuine engineers.

    In just a single note, stop feeling jealousy to anyone and work harder and smarter.

    A Pakistani.

  37. Iqbal Butt8:02 PM

    The company is now called as "United Energy Pakistan". We can call it "United Bihari Pakistan".

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