Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Need Alumni Associations in Sindh

Through out developing world, Alumni associations play very important role in advancement of educational institutions. The alumni (graduates of the institutions) stay in touch with each other and repay their debt to their places of education through these associations. Typically the alumni associations:

1. Provide liaison between alumni and the university/College, including trustees, faculty, students and administration.
2. Enhance the visibility of the university/ College and communicate to the people of the state and nation knowledge of the College's strengths and merits.
3. Further the aims and ideals of the university/ College by fostering fellowship among alumni and providing opportunities for alumni service and education.
4. Participate in the advancement and development of the College through gifts and volunteer efforts.

World famous universities like Harvard, Stanford, Yale etc have achieved their current standards of excellence partly through active participation of the former graduates i.e. alumni.

This is beginning to happen in Pakistan and even in Sindh. Karachi University alumni Association has a very active chapter in Washington. For last three or four years, the alumni has been actively working with the university to support them in areas in which there is deficiency. Typically, the university tells the alumni what they need. The alumni then try to do what they can in an organized way. On request of the faculty and students of KU, the alumni have helped greatly with Information technology-- for example internet connections, computer equipment, computer classes etc. Last year KU graduates in Washington area raised $80,000 for scholarships and other support.

I am delighted to learn that Chandka graduates have recently established an alumni association. I am sure that they will be performing all of the functions listed above and do even more. My best wishes for Dr. Sarfraz Memon, the first President of the association and all of the doctors who are working closely on this project.

I think time has come for graduates of other universities in sindh to establish their own alumni associations. I urge graduates of
Sindh UniversityLiaqat Medical University
Mehran engineering UniversityAgricultural UniversitySindh Medical University
and others to to come forward and set up similar associations.

To start with, you may do only social functions like annual dinner. However, I am sure that the relatively more successful and motivated graduates will come forward and do more.

Why am I not doing it for my university in Sindh? The reason is that I did not graduate in sindh. After inter science from DJ College in Karachi, I came to USA. I graduated from the University of Illinois in USA. However, if you will make me an honorary member of your alumni association, I shall be honored to become active with you.

In the meantime, let me know if I can be of any service in setting up your alumni association.

Your input and help towards development of Sindh is always welcome.

Ali Nawaz Memon
Sindh Development Institute
7204 Antares DriveGaithersburg, Maryland, USA

1 comment:

  1. That is a good write-up. I am sure the dysfuctional degenerating conditions of our Institutions would not have occurred if their had been Alumni Associations. Still there is time. I think if Institutions are to be saved formation of Alumni Associations should be given top priority. Besides the struggle against the gangsters masqurading as patriots.

    Mazhar Lakho MD
    Belleville, IL
