Monday, December 11, 2006

Be Productive

Dear Naeem Sheikh Saheb
Thanks for sharing your OPINION. You have raised many important points. To me, the key point is that we all must be productive. Economic productivity is the most important need of the times. Of course, only a small minority can go abroad. A vast majority has to stay and be productive in sindh.
It is unfortunately true that many of our people cannot find "suitable opportunity". Accordingly, we spend our time in tea shops and go from door to door in search of sufarish for that suitable but elusive opportunity.
In the West, children start working and producing early. You will find ten year old children distributing newspapwers in neighborhoods. You will find fifteen year olds working in fast food restauranrs such as KFC or McDonald. You will find college students doing free internships to gain experience. In the West most find suitable jobs after completing college education. However, you will also find many graduates and even post graduates driving taxis in New York and Washington, because they did not find suitable jobs in their fields.
The bottom line for economic advancement is WORK and PRODUCTIVITY. Any thing is better than doing nothing. We must find something productive to do at every age. If we cannot find paying job, let us keep doing free internship or volunteer work in own field, until we do. Job should not be our only goal. Starting a shop-- big or small is a practical option too.Your input and help towards development of Sindh is always welcome.
Ali Nawaz Memon
Sindh Development Institute
7204 Antares Drive
Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA 20879

From: "naeem sheikh"
Reply- To: educatesindh@googlegroups.comTo: educatesindh@googlegroups.comSubject: [EducateSindh] OPINIONDate: Sun, 10 Dec 2006 21:31:01 +0500
Dear All,
...for last couple of months, i am the silent reader of the messages and icontributed only once, when i was really impressed by the response made bythe group on call of a sister Bakhtawar. For last couple of weeks whenever iopen my mail box i found or u may say that i felt that the only task of ouryoung sindhi brothers is to go abroad. Most of the mails describe theopportunities of scholarships available from different corners and allfriends while sharing mails with someone living outside Pakistan only seektheir help so that they should also be fetched abroad. I dont find itlogical because need of the day is not to go abroad and remain therecontributing nothing practical to Sindh or Sindhi people. Improvement ineducation is no doubt an aspect to create awareness but how can we condemnand wash out the so called "KUTCHERIES" our youth is celebrating at theroadside hotels on a cup of tea. Why Industrialization is not encouraged.For how long we condemn others for our wrongdoings. Why the major chunk ofour population is living below poverty line. Why are we looking towards someof the major cities around to declare that we are intellectuals and todeclare that look a sindhi is around. When will we be out of thesecomplexes. Why we are not encouraging our brothers to contribute towardseconomic activity in the area they belong. For how long we will be in theso-called pride of being Super human beings by wearing well ironed wellstarched cotton shalwar suits. why is it shameful for us to share theresponsibilities of our fathers. I believe awakening and awareness is farmore needed than education and that is my firm belief. Economic activity isfar more needed than the brain-drain. Comments are always welcome.

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