Sunday, March 26, 2006

Education in Sindh: Points to Ponder

From: "" Reply-To: educatesindh@googlegroups.comTo: "EducateSindh" Subject: [EducateSindh] some points to ponderDate: Fri, 24 Mar 2006 05:46:08 -0800

Dear All

Now that we know Low standards and poor education is the root cause ofbackwardness of Sindh, what next? I have been hearing this since mychildhood, n so far no sincere efforts have been put forward to betterthe education system. Who is to be blamed? 1: Pujanb? can u see anyhand of Punjab in deteriorating the education system of university ofSindh or schools of interior SIndh? 2: Muhajirs? do u think that it isAltaf who has forbidden sindhi teachers from going to and runningschools in sindh? 3: our sindhi intellectuals? it is sad to say thatuniversity of Sindh, which was once considered hallmark of sindhiintellect, has no standard Sindhi Text Book for all the departments ithas. though there are a few text books on sindhi, economics,mathematics etc but these are all outdated. Is it the duty ofnon-sindhis to write text books in sindhi? if you have a look on urduliterature, you won't find anything missing. there are text books inurdu for every descipline.

one can, and i think one must, ask what the hell our sindhiintellectuals (adeeb) have done? there is ample literature on thehistory of sindh, sindhi language, bhittai, and sindhi poetry? but whatabout natural sciences, social sciences, computer sciences, medicalsciences, philosophy? we are still a century backward. there are manypersons who claim to be scholars but they are in fact pseudo-scholars,or pseudo-intellectuals. I know of no scholar (except two or three) whohave ever written a research paper in an INTERNATIONAL, INDEXED,RESEARCH JOURNAL.
Though i appreciate the efforts of this group, but the question is,WHAT CAN WE DO USING INTERNET WITHOUT DOING ANYTHING PRATICAL? WHATPOLITICAL DECISIONS CAN WE AFFECT, CHANGE OR MODIFY? are we using theappropriate channel to getting ourselves heard? who the hell amonggovernment policy makers is paying heed to our forum?
I think it is high time we materialized our efforts and put a solidfoundation, on the basis of which we should do something such as createan organization, write to goverment and non-government organizations aswell as international agencies to help us.

Moen-jo-Daro is our bright past. but our present is bleak. WE SHOULDNOT BE PROUD OF WHAT OUR ANCESTORS DID. BUT WE SHOULD BE PROUD OF WHAT"WE" DO.

M. Sajjad Abro
Social Sciences Research OfficerAga Khan University, Karachi

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