Monday, November 07, 2005

Free Master's studies in Finland

From: Tahseen Jilani Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 19:15:18 -0800 (PST)Subject: [mcsku2004] Fwd: Study in FInland
AOA, for those who are interested

Hello! Please check the following link to find details about Universities and most of the International Master programs being offered in Universities in Finland: If you are in Pakistan, please spread this information about these Master programs in your university or college. Also let your friends and relatives know about them. Please remember, education is free in Finland & in most of the Master programs specially in Computer Science, there is a possibility of getting paid Master Thesis. It means that university pays around 500+ euros/month to a student working on his/her Masters thesis. This amount gets doubled during Summer as work is considered full-time. The amount of this stipend depends on the type of the thesis. Thesis which are done in co-operation with an industry are mostly well paid (around 1200 euros/month). Basic requirements for most of the Master programs are a bachelors degree (in most cases four-years) OR a Masters degree for Pakistani students and test scores from either IELTS or TOEFL. Last year in one program (Masters Program in Chemical Engineering @ Åbo Akademi University), there was only one Pakistani, three Indian and couple of Chinese students. This year so far there is NO Pakistani student, couple of Chinese students and 10 Indian students. Such a sad state of affairs and its simply because Pakistani students don't know about these opportunities. Please remember: "OPPURTUNITY IS NEVER LOST, THE OTHER FELLOW TAKES IT" and in this case it is obvious that Chinese and Indian students have been able to benefit from all opportunities. Last year all students were able to get Research Assistant positions apart from their Thesis Work and both of these are paid jobs. Interested? Or have any queries? Please joinStudy in Finland(SIF) Pakistani student planning to consider Finland as a study option is welcome to join this group. The main purpose of this group is to inform Pakistani students about study opportunities in Finland. Please forward this message to all prospective students.

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