Monday, June 13, 2005

SDI mission, approach, resources, name, model etc revisited

Our Mission

Sindh Development Institute (SDI) will be a research, educational and promotional think tank whose mission will be to formulate and promote public and private policies and actions for accelerated economic development of Sindh.

Our Approach

We wish to find solutions to contemporary economic problems facing sindh from the ideas, principles and traditions that will accelerate economic development of all people and parts of Sindh with special focus on less developed parts. We recognize that more developed people and parts can play a very significant role in strengthening the less developed ones.

We seek to motivate and assist entrepreneurs, governments (of Sindh, Pakistan and other parts of the world), development institutions, and indeed the population of Sindh to become economic development oriented.

We want Sindh that is prosperous; where choices in employment, education, health care and housing for all residents are plentiful. We want Sindh Government, to be primarily focused on economic development. Where everybody has the opportunity to go as far as their talents will take them. We want government to protect its residents, concentrate on its core functions, recognize its limits and shows favor to none.

To this end, we want the government to have investment friendly policies resulting more jobs. We want entrepreneurs to invest. We want the government to fight for economic and developmental rights of Sindh at federal and international levels. We want political parties to unite on agenda of “prosperous Sindh”. We want special focus on employment generation. We want universities to produce market oriented graduates.

Our Resources We start with little-- with experise of our like minded volunteers. We seek more volunteers who wish to work for economic development of all of Sindh. Through discussion forums everywhere, email exchange and other means, we hope to draw on expertise of every one – Sindhis and non-Sindhis alike.

We believe that ideas have consequences, but that those ideas must be promoted aggressively. So, we shall constantly try innovative ways to market our ideas. Our ultimate goal s to build Sindh where freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish.

Development Models for Sindh

Others have mentioned Singapore and Hongkong as models. Please look at the web site of Singapore. See how it is focused on economic development and direct welfare of its people.

Here is one for Hong Kong which is a part of China

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