Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pakistan: Some Poverty related websites/reports

A Profile of Poverty in Pakistan
This website features a report's overview conducted by Mahbub-ul-Haq Human Development Centre, as part of the UNDP’s South Asia Poverty Monitor Project. This ground breaking report features a comparison of calorie- and income-based poverty measures to a new & broader Poverty of Opportunity Index, an analysis of trends in income poverty & human development, and the effect of government policy on poverty reduction since Independence.
Last Updated on 7/6/2001

A closer look at the city of karachi...
Last Updated on 7/16/2002

A closer look at the city of karachi...
Last Updated on 7/16/2002

A closer look at the city of karachi...
Last Updated on 7/16/2002
Pakistan: Now, the Poverty Bomb goes off
Many more people are afflicted by the poverty of opportunity than by simple income poverty. Today, roughly 30% of Pakistan's population is classified as 'income poor', whereas nearly half suffers from the deprivation of basic opportunities of life.
Last Updated on 7/6/2001
Poverty Alleviation - Pakistan needs 6% Growth Rat
This news article focuses on the report presented by Central Bank Governor Dr Ishrat Hussain at a seminar, "Globalization: Impact on South Asia". He said the developing countries need to achieve a certain "threshold annual growth rate of six to eight per cent to reduce incidence of poverty".
Last Updated on 7/6/2001
Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Nets

This page is one of the occasional papers of Human Development Report of United Nations Development Programme. From this paper we learn about the untargeted Government subsidies, Social Safety Nets; Public Income Transfer Programs: Zakat, Ushr and Bait-ul-maal program...etc.
Last Updated on 7/19/2001
Poverty and Child Mortality in Pakistan [PDF]

Poverty and Child Mortality in Pakistan, by Syed Mubashir Ali, January 2001.
Last Updated on 7/6/2001
Poverty and Labour Market Linkages in Pakistan [PD

Poverty and Labour Market Linkages in Pakistan by Zafar Mueen Nasir, January 2001.
Last Updated on 7/18/2001
Poverty increased by 10 per cent in last decade

Though economic growth is associated with poverty reduction but in 1990s it reduced by only 1.6 per cent against projected reduction of four per cent in the developing world based on its per capita income growth of 3.6 per cent.
Last Updated on 7/6/2001

Statistics & Analysis of Child Labour

Pakistan's high population growth rate of 2.77 percent poses multiple challenges, problems and threatens to constrain the limited resources and economic & social development of the country. 30% of the country's population lives below the poverty line. A large young labour force has emerged & competes with the adult workers for the limited employment opportunities.
Last Updated on 7/11/2001
Statistics on Poverty-1 [PowerPoint]

*The Summary of this website will be available soon*
Last Updated on 7/6/2001
The Pain of Future: Poverty in Pakistan

According to social scientists poverty is an outcome of economic, political & social processes that interact with each other in ways that can worsen or ease the deprivation in which poor people live. Economic growth will deliver more poverty reduction the more equal societies are. Poverty is a multi-dimensional phenomenon.....
Last Updated on 7/6/2001
Trends in Poverty

This section of S. Akbar Zaidi's report, "Is Poverty Now a Permanent Phenomenon in Pakistan?", analyzes various trends of poverty in Urban and Rural Pakistan, using headcount measure and income distribution.

Why Did Poverty Return to Pakistan?

Interesting and Informative analysis of factors that contributed to the return and persistance of Poverty in Pakistan today.
Last Updated on 7/6/2001
Yehhaikarachi ! Karachi

A closer look at the city of karachi...
Last Updated on 7/16/2002

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