Thursday, April 07, 2005

How to start Alumni Association

I am delighted to note great interest in establishing Alumni Associations for Mehran University and for Liaqat Medical University. Such associations for all universities and even colleges can go a long way towards bringing the current students, faculty as well as graduates and former students together.
We need to upgrade quality of our education. This will be one way of doing it.
I have requested Sain Sarfraz Memon to write about how he and other colleagues have started Chandka Alumni Association. I request Mir Atta Talpur to tell others more about this.
I suggest that first all, few interested persons should establish an organizing committee. For example, Mehran graduates on Sindh lists could form an organizing committee and elected some initial organizers. They could then follow some of the following steps suggested for establishing an Alumni Associations:
1. Request from the concerned university (Alumni Office if there is one ) a printout of individuals residing in your area. If you submit your request in writing, list the neighboring cities to be included.
If such a list is not available, use your own contacts or email lists etc to obtain the names and contact addresses.
2. Send a letter or email to individuals informing them of the purpose of forming a chapter-ask for a response by phone or letter expressing their interest. Do not be discouraged if you find only a few interested members.
3. Follow-up with a phone call or postcard giving time and place for the meeting in your town e.g. cdhapter meeting of Mehran graduates in Toronto.
4. During the interest meeting, discuss goals or plans for the chapter. Share with the individuals what is expected in order to establish a chapter.
You may need to hold a more meetings to either "get the feel" of the group or to attract more participation. Many persons who like an idea and support it may not have the time or interest to attend meetings.
5. Meetings should be held every month. Location should be decided by the local organization.
6. Now you are ready to contact your university. Write/ phone/ email the Vice Chancellor or other interested persons in the university. Have the university designate a regualr contact person for the Alumni association.
During your next visit to say Hyderabad, go visit the Vice Chancellor and your contact persons. Find out how you can help the university and the students. Your support will be most useful for things which the government is not able to do quickly. For example:
donate books for the librarary; get them computers; internet access; dicuss why the standards of education have fallen and what you as a group can do to help;lobby for the university needs with the government, other NGOs
Remeber that you are successful graduates-- tell others about your experiences and help them in any way that you can.
for more details, there is a detailed report on HOW TO START A LOCAL ALUMNI. ASSOCIATION. a publication by the National Alumni Committee. 200. 5. Alpha Phi Omega. National Service Fraternity. HOW TO START A LOCAL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ... association can meet as part of its. future service program; 3) establish a membership committee to. perform a search for alumni, to generate the association ... You can get a copy by going to :'How%20to%20establish%20alumni%20Association'
Your input and help towards development of Sindh is always welcome.
Ali Nawaz MemonSindh Development Institute7204 Antares DriveGaithersburg, Maryland, USA 20879

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